We are fed up with ministers and officials avoiding parliamentary scrutiny and accountability on this topic of concern for millions. If you are too, please add your voice by pasting the following message in full into an email and sending it to these three email addresses, also copying hello@usforthem.co.uk:
InformationRights@UKHSA.gov.uk; vigilanceservice@mhra.gov.uk; dhsc.publicenquiries@dhsc.gov.uk
Prof Stephen Riley, UKHSA (InformationRights@UKHSA.gov.uk)
Dr Alison Cave, MHRA (vigilanceservice@mhra.gov.uk)
Copy to:
Rt Hon Victoria Atkins MP, Maria Caulfield MP, Rt Hon Andrew Stephenson MP,
Department for Health and Social Care (dhsc.publicenquiries@dhsc.gov.uk)
Transparency of official public health data
A group of parliamentarians wrote to you on 21 February about the UK’s rates of excess deaths since 2020. They warned that by withholding official data which could help reassure the public about the possible causes of excess deaths, the DHSC, the UKHSA and the MHRA were fuelling concerns and hesitancy about public health messaging. They also sought assurances from you about the unqualified assurances given by DHSC ministers that “there is no evidence linking excess deaths to the COVID-19 vaccine”.
In evidence given to the Health Select Committee on Monday 4 March, Dame Jenny Harries confirmed that the UKHSA holds the official data requested and confirmed that it had already been shared in an aggregated form with pharmaceutical companies.
Anonymised official government mortality data sets collected and held at taxpayer expense and already shared with pharma companies should not be withheld from public view. Whose interests are you protecting by resisting transparency?
These are the public’s data sets, and we demand that the UKHSA release them. Indeed, our parliamentarians deserve the respect of a prompt, candid and fulsome response from each of you.
Yours sincerely