A culture of risk-aversity and safetyism is eroding personal liberty and individual autonomy, knee-jerk politics is threatening freedom of speech and thought, and ethical decision-making has been repeatedly subrogated by corporate interests. Accolades have replaced accountability.
Children, whose welfare and interests should be protected ahead even of our own, have too often become an afterthought, and we risk bequeathing them a world which is materially less free, accountable and democratic than the world we inherited.
UsForThem is an independent, non-profit, non-affiliated group focussed on high impact campaigning and strategic legal activity.
We have successfully impacted policies and moved public debate on issues spanning children’s welfare and futures, freedom of speech, and pandemic response policies.
Our objective is to restore accountability, ethics, transparency and good governance to democracy. Only then will we have government and policy-making that we can feel proud to leave to our children.

For press enquiries please message us at hello@usforthem.co.uk