Use this template letter and email to Sajid Javid’s constituency address:
Send a copy via the DSHC form below 👇
You could also copy your own MP. You will get a bounce back from his email as a non-constituent, but his PA may pick this up.
If you are a constituent of Mr Javid, please request a surgery appointment to discuss the problems in education caused by isolation rules.
AND/ OR – write to him by paper mail to
Rt. Hon. Mr Sajid Javid,
Secretary of State,
Department of Health and Social Care
39 Victoria Street
London SW1H 0EU
Feel free to tailor – please use #StopIsolatingKids and #ChildrenFirst if possible.
Be polite ❤️
Dear Mr Javid,
Congratulations on your appointment as Secretary of State for Health and Social Care.
As a concerned parent and member of the campaign group UsforThem, I am writing to urge you to grasp the opportunity to prioritise children as a matter of urgency.
Children have been the pandemic’s forgotten victims, bearing a more significant burden of the response than adults at a crucial and precious time in their development. As a result, children have lost physical fitness, suffered damage to their mental health, and experienced catastrophic learning loss.
Tragically there has been a 40% increase in anti-depressants prescribed to under 17s. Dr Bernadka Dubicka, consultant psychiatrist and chairman of the Child and Adolescent Faculty at the Royal College of Psychiatrists, said demand for services is now “at an all-time high”.
School closures and educational disruption have widened the disadvantage gap- with a long-term implication for life and health outcomes for this generation of children.
Yet, the damage is ongoing and worsening. It seems to us that children are still largely ignored by policymakers while adults return to normal life.
We hope that your appointment will mark a change in direction and a reprioritisation of children’s health.
One pressing issue is the current self-isolation rules in education settings- these are effectively school closure by stealth, causing approximately 1 in 10 children to be out of school currently. Last week, 172,000 pupils were self-isolating after potentially coming into contact with a positive Covid case at school, up from 40,000 the previous week. But the number of positive cases rose from 7,000 to just 9,000 over the same period.
This disproportionate policy is unsustainable. Moreover, it is causing deep uncertainty and anxiety among a cohort who have already suffered enough.
Please review the isolation rules for children as a matter of urgency and #StopIsolatingKids.
More broadly, please begin to prioritise children’s health and wellbeing in your department’s policymaking to ensure that children have access to the mental health services, speech and language therapy and other services they desperately need.
Most importantly, our children need normality, security and certainty. Please restore their lives to normal so they can recover their health and wellbeing. Restrictions such as bubbles in schools are causing ongoing and severe disruption on the ability of education settings to operate normally and in particular to offer the full array of extra curriculum activities and sports which are so vital for children’s health.
Please Mr Javid, put #ChildrenFirst in your first days in your new post.
Best wishes
[[Your name/ address]]