[vc_row content_placement=”top” row_space=”remove_padding_top”][vc_column][gva_block_heading style=”style-2″ subtitle=”We’re all only too aware of the sacrifices made by our children over the last year. With the support, UsforThem has been able to give national profile to the importance of prioritising children’s wellbeing and education. One of our greatest concerns has been the physical and psychological harm caused by masks.”][/gva_block_heading][vc_column_text]We’ve repeatedly requested evidence on the merits and harms of wearing masks in class. So far the replies received from government are not satisfactory.
Whilst the government has indicated masks in classrooms will end on May 17th/stage 3, we fear they may make a reappearance come Autumn.
Although we’re continuing to pursue the legal avenue, judicial review is notoriously difficult and we can’t put all our faith in one route. So we need to do something visible too.
We need to send a strong message to Boris Johnson that masks have no place in the classroom beyond 17 May and must never make a reappearance. Inspired by a member’s idea, we’re asking everyone to send a handwritten postcard/note to Boris Johnson ideally from each of your children – about their feelings/experience around wearing a mask or being surrounded by masks (so can be all ages). If they won’t write it then you could write on their behalf and sign with their first name and age.
Once written please take a photo and post it under this post to inspire others and share it on any social media channels you or your children use with #NoMoreMasks and tag Boris Johnson and/or Gavin Williamson & Nick Gibb if you like.
❗️Volume is key to get the message across so let’s flood no 10 with thousands of postcards and please share with your friends and family.❗️[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]
Boris Johnson
PrimeMinister’s Office
10 Downing Street
London SW1A 2AA
[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]⭐️ Please ensure the message is: Polite, Heartfelt, Personal and Truthful
⭐️ Signed with first name and age of child
👍 Before posting take photo of your card and share on social Media with #NoMoreMasks[/vc_column_text][gva_block_heading subtitle=”Lets fill up that postbox! 📮”][/gva_block_heading][/vc_column][/vc_row]